13/12/2023 (version 2.6)
* in Scythe_Matrix_Iterator.h, public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T> items (2 instances)
     have been modified to treat the 'std::iterator is deprecated' issue
* in Scythe_Stat.cpp: accumulate -> std::accumulate
     Scythe_Matrix.cpp: inner_product -> std::inner_product
     AKmatrix.cpp: stable_sort -> std::stable_sort
* in std.data.R and smoothSurvReg.R: options(warn = -1) commented
* in estimTdiff.R, fdensity.smoothSurvReg.R, hazard.smoothSurvReg.R, plot.smoothSurvReg.R, survfit.smoothSurvReg.R, std.data.R, smoothSurvReg.R: most appearences of cat("") replaced by message("")  
* ctb and chd items added to the DESCRIPTION file

10/10/2022 (version 2.5)
virtual const char * what() const throw() function in Scythe_Error.h modified
to avoid returning address of local temporar object [-Wreturn-stack-address]
  - first attempt to return address of a global std::ostringstream variable os_AK declared in smoothSurvReg84.cpp
  - finally, the whole what() function commented in Scythe_Error.h
    and the only instance of its use modified in Scythe_Util.h (line 75)
18/04/2022 (version 2.4)
* change of [AT] to @ in e-mail addresses in Rd files

01/06/2020 (version 2.3)
* call to std::terminate removed from Scythe_Error.h
* exportClasses(estimTdiff) commented in NAMESPACE as it exports
  estimTdiff as S4 class when it is implemented as just S3 class

17/05/2020 (version 2.2)
* register keyword commented in Scythe_IDE.cpp
  to make it compatible with C++17

18/10/2017, 10/02/2020 (version 2.1)
* small bug in minPenalty corrected (on 18/10/2017)
* packages uploaded to CRAN (on 10/02/2020)

24/09/2017 (version 2.0)
* registration of C routines
* correction of data.frame arithmetic inconsistency

27/07/2015 (version 1.6)
* NAMESPACE updated by imports from standard packages graphics and stats

05/02/2015 (version 1.5)
* CITATION file updated (desc changed to meta)

* small piece of code added to smoothSurvReg function to treat non-zero fail
  of any type when doing the grid search for optimal lambda
* confint.smoothSurvReg implemented

* MP.pseudoinv function (smoothSurvReg.fit.R): La.eigen replaced by eigen.

* erf and erfc in gauss.h and gauss.cpp changed to erfAK, erfcAK
  (there were some conflicts with /usr/include/bits/mathcalls.h reported by CRAN checks)

* bug fixed in estimTdiff (estimTdiff did not work correctly when there was only 1 covariate in a model)

* computation of confidence intervals added to estimTdiff
* print.estimTdiff adjusted to give nicer output when there are no covariates in the model

* lines fit.logn$failure <- 2; fit.logl$failure <- 2; fit.weib$failure <- 2 in smoothSurvReg.R commented
  due to changes in survival package in R 2.9.0 (argument 'failure' is no more included in survreg.control)

* #include <cstdlib> added to Scythe_Error.h to let abort() work also with g++ 4.3
* estimTdiff.smoothSurvReg will no more work when logscale.cov1 and logscale.cov2 are specified

* new macro __AK_PRETTY_FUNCTION__ defined in Scythe_Error.h to avoid back compatibility problems with some compilers (thanks to B. Ripley)
* all instances of __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ replaced by __AK_PRETTY_FUNCTION__ 
  in files: Scythe_Matrix.h (8x)
            Scythe_Matrix_Iterator.h (4x)
            Scythe_IDE.cpp (20x)
            Scythe_LA.cpp (11x)
            Scythe_Math.cpp (7x)
            Scythe_Matrix.cpp (43x)
            AKMatrix.cpp (2x)

* bug in Scythe_Matrix.cpp (in Submatrix operator) fixed

* operations of the type "int / SCYTHE::Matrix<double>" and "SCYTHE::Matrix<double> / double" which were declared as illegal by Sun's compilers (thanks to B. Ripley) fixed