title: "Functions `wedge()` and `wedge2()` in the `stokes` package"
author: "Robin K. S. Hankin"
output: html_vignette
bibliography: stokes.bib
link-citations: true
vignette: >

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
library("spray")  # needed for spraycross()
options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knit_print.function <- function(x, ...){dput(x)}
  "knit_print", "function", knit_print.function,
  envir = asNamespace("knitr")

```{r out.width='20%', out.extra='style="float:right; padding:10px"',echo=FALSE}
knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/stokes.png", package = "stokes"))

```{r, label=showwedge,comment=""}

To cite the `stokes` package in publications, please use
@hankin2022_stokes.  In a memorable passage, @spivak1965 states:

<div class="warning" style='padding:0.1em; background-color:#E9D8FD; color:#69337A'>

$\ldots$ we would like a theorem analogous to 4.1 [the dimensionality
of $k$-fold tensor products is $n^k$].  Of course, if
$\omega\in\Lambda^k(V)$ and $\eta\in\Lambda^l(V)$, then
$\omega\otimes\eta$ is usually not in $\Lambda^{k+l}(V)$.  We will
therefore define a new product, the <strong>wedge</strong> product
$\omega\wedge\eta\in\Lambda^{k+l}(V)$ by


(The reason for the strange coefficient will appear later).
<p style='margin-bottom:1em; margin-right:1em; text-align:right; font-family:Georgia'> <b>- Michael Spivak, 1969</b> <i>(Calculus on Manifolds, Perseus books).  Page 79</i>

Function `wedge()` returns the wedge product of any number of
$k$-forms; function `wedge2()` returns the wedge product of two
$k$-forms.  The idiom of `wedge2()` is somewhat opaque, especially the
"strange" combinatorial coefficient $(k+l)!/(k!l!)$, which is
discussed in detail below.

## Digression: function `spraycross()`

Function `wedge()` is essentially a convenience wrapper for
`spraycross()`; the meat of `wedge2()` is the last line:
`kform(spraycross(K1, K2))`.  Function `spraycross()` is part of the
`spray` package and gives a tensor product of sparse arrays,
interpreted as multivariate polynomials:

(a <- spray(matrix(1:4,2,2),c(2,5)))
(b <- spray(matrix(c(10,11,12,13),2,2),c(7,11)))

Observe that `spraycross()` (and by association `wedge()`) is
associative and distributive but not commutative.

### Cut to the chase: `wedge2()`

Function `wedge2()` takes two kforms and we will start with a very
simple example:

(x <- as.kform(cbind(1,2),5))
(y <- as.kform(cbind(3,4,7),7))

It looks like the combinatorial term has not been included but it has.
We will express `x` and `y` as tensors (objects of class `ktensor`)
and show how the combinatorial term arises.

 tx <- as.ktensor(x)    # "tx" = tensor 'x'
(ty <- as.ktensor(y))   # "ty" = tensor 'y'

As functions, `y` and `ty` are identical:

M <- matrix(round(rnorm(21),2),7,3) # member of (R^7)^3

Both are equivalent to


We can see that `y` is a more compact and efficient representation of
`ty`: both are alternating tensors but `y` has alternatingness built in
to its evaluation, while `ty` is alternating by virtue of including
all permutations of its arguments, with the sign of the permutation.

We can evaluate Spivak's formula (but without the combinatorial term)
for $x\wedge y$ by coercing to ktensors and using `tensorprod()`:

(z <- tensorprod(as.ktensor(x),as.ktensor(y)))

Above, each coefficient is equal to $\pm 35$ (the sign coming from the
sign of the permutation), and we have $2!3!=12$ rows.  We can now
calculate $\operatorname{Alt}(z)$, which would have $5!=120$ rows, one
per permutation of $[5]$, each with coefficient $\pm\frac{12\times
35}{5!}=\pm 3.5$.

We define $x\wedge y$ to be $\frac{5!}{3!2!}\operatorname{Alt}(z)$, so
each coefficient would be $\pm\frac{5!}{3!2!}\cdot\frac{12\times
35}{5!}=35$.  We know that $x\wedge y$ is an alternating form.  So to
represent it as an object of class `kform`, we need a `kform` object
with _single_ index entry `1 2 3 4 7`.  This would need coefficient
35, on the grounds that it is linear, alternating, and maps
\end{pmatrix}$ to $35$; and indeed this is what we see:


So to conclude, the combinatorial term is present in the R idiom, it
is just difficult to see at first glance.

# Algebraic properties

First of all we should note that $\Lambda^k(V)$ is a vector space
(this is considered in the `kform` vignette).  If
$\omega,\omega_i\in\Lambda^k(V)$ and $\eta,\eta_i\in\Lambda^l(V)$ then

(\omega_1+\omega_2)\wedge\eta &=& \omega_1\wedge\eta+\omega_2\wedge\eta\\
\omega\wedge(\eta_1+\eta_2) &=&\omega\wedge\eta_1 + \omega\wedge\eta_2\\

(that is, the wedge product is left- and right- distributive); if
$a\in\mathbb{R}$ then

a\omega\wedge\eta = \omega\wedge a\eta=a(\omega\wedge\eta)

\omega\wedge\eta = (-1)^{kl}\eta\wedge\omega.

These rules make expansion of wedge products possible by expressing a
general kform in terms of a basis for $\Lambda^k(V)$.  @spivak1965
tells us that, if $v_1,\ldots,v_k$ is a basis for $V$, then the set of

\phi_{i_1}\wedge\phi_{i_2}\wedge\cdots\wedge\phi_{i_k}\qquad 1\leq i_1 < \cdots < i_k\leq n

is a basis for $\Lambda^k(V)$ where $\phi_i(v_j)=\delta_{ij}$.  The
package expresses a $k$-form in terms of this basis as in the
following example:

(omega <- as.kform(rbind(c(1,2,8),c(1,3,7)),5:6))

In algebraic notation, `omega` (or $\omega$) would be
$5\phi_1\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_8+6\phi_1\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_7$ and
we may write this as $\omega=5\phi_{128}+6\phi_{137}$.  To take a
wedge product of this with $\eta=2\phi_{235}+3\phi_{356}$ we would

\omega\wedge\eta &=& (5\phi_{128}+6\phi_{137})\wedge (2\phi_{235}+3\phi_{356})\\
&=& 10\phi_{128}\wedge\phi_{235} + 15\phi_{128}\wedge\phi_{356} +
    12\phi_{137}\wedge\phi_{235} + 18\phi_{137}\wedge\phi_{356}\\
10\phi_1\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_8\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_5 + 
15\phi_1\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_8\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_5\wedge\phi_6\\&{}&\qquad + 
12\phi_1\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_7\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_5 +
&=& 0+ 15\phi_1\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_8\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_5\wedge\phi_6+0+0\\
&=& -15\phi_1\wedge\phi_2\wedge\phi_3\wedge\phi_5\wedge\phi_6\wedge\phi_8

where we have used the rules repeatedly (especially the fact that
$\omega\wedge\omega=0$ for _any_ alternating form).  Package idiom
would be:

eta <- as.kform(rbind(c(2,3,5),c(3,5,6)),2:3)

See how function `wedge()` does the legwork.

# References