striprtf v0.6.0 (Dev version as of 2023-08-09)

* Fix error with code page conversion (#20)
* Fix bug in table parsing (#22)

striprtf v0.5.3 (Release date: 2021-09-07)

* `read_rtf`, `strip_rtf` now allow mismatched curly braces

striprtf v0.5.2 (Release date: 2019-01-03)

* Add `looks_rtf` function, which checks if a file is an RTF
* Add `check_file` option to `read_rtf` function, which indicates if input file should be validated before being parsed.

striprtf v0.5.1 (Release date: 2017-12-05)

* Minor documentation update

striprtf v0.5.0 (Release date: 2017-12-04)

* Support RTF files in code pages for Mac

striprtf v0.4.6 (Release date: 2017-12-04)

* fixed bugs for parsing lower quote (`\u2018`)

striprtf v0.4.5 (Release date: 2017-07-04)

* fixed bugs in table parser for files written by MS word

striprtf v0.4.4 (Release date: 2017-05-15)

* fixed ambiguity in `pow` function in C++ code

striprtf v0.4.3 (Release date: 2017-05-14)

* fixed hexmode errors on OS X

striprtf v0.4.2 (Release date: 2017-05-14)

* added an example file

  - shakespeare.rtf

striprtf v0.4.1 (Release date: 2017-05-14)

* Special treatment for tables

  `read_rtf` (and `strip_rtf`) has new options `row_start`, `row_end`, and `cell_end`,
  which specify strings to put at the correponding parts of tables.
  For example, suppose there is a table like below in a RTF document:

  | A  | B | C |
  | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
  | 1.01 | 2.02 | 3. 03|

  In this version, `read_rtf("table.rtf", row_start="**", row_end="**", cell_end="\t")` would return:
  `"**A\tB\tC\t**"          "**1.01\t2.02\t3.03\t**" ""`

  Note that `\t` is put at the end of each cell, not only between cells.

  Supports line breaks within cells.
  No support for merged cells.
  No support for nested tables (i.e. tables within tables).

  For backward compatibility, there is an option `ignore_tables`; Set it `TRUE` to obtain the same behavior as the previous version.

striprtf v0.3.2 (Release date: 2017-04-01)

* Bug fix in `strip_rtf`

striprtf v0.3.1 (Release date: 2017-03-30)

* The functions are renamed as follows:

  - `striprtf` --> `read_rtf`
  - `rtf2text` --> `strip_rtf`