test2norm: Normative Standards for Cognitive Tests
Package test2norm contains functions to generate formulas for
normative standards applied to cognitive tests. It takes raw test scores
(e.g., number of correct responses) and converts them to scaled scores and
demographically adjusted scores, using methods described in Heaton et al.
(2003) <doi:10.1016/B978-012703570-3/50010-9> & Heaton et al. (2009,
ISBN:9780199702800). The scaled scores are calculated as quantiles of the
raw test scores, scaled to have the mean of 10 and standard deviation of 3,
such that higher values always correspond to better performance on the test.
The demographically adjusted scores are calculated from the residuals of a
model that regresses scaled scores on demographic predictors (e.g., age).
The norming procedure makes use of the mfp2() function from the 'mfp2'
package to explore nonlinear associations between cognition and demographic
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