xegaSelectGene: Selection of Genes and Gene Representation Independent Functions
This collection of gene representation-independent
mechanisms for evolutionary and genetic algorithms contains
four groups of functions:
First, functions for selecting a gene
in a population of genes according to its fitness value
and for adaptive scaling of the fitness values as well as for
performance optimization and measurement offer several
variants for implementing the survival of the fittest.
Second, evaluation functions for
deterministic functions avoid recomputation.
Evaluation of stochastic functions incrementally improve
the estimation of the mean and variance of fitness values
at almost no additional cost. Evaluation functions
for gene repair handle error-correcting decoders.
Third, timing and counting functions for profiling the
algorithm pipeline are provided to assess bottlenecks in
the algorithms.
Fourth, a small collection of problem environments
for function optimization, combinatorial optimization, and
grammar-based genetic programming and grammatical evolution
is provided for tutorial examples.
The methods in the package are described by the following
Baker, James E. (1987, ISBN:978-08058-0158-8),
De Jong, Kenneth A. (1975)
Geyer-Schulz, Andreas (1997, ISBN:978-3-7908-0830-X),
Grefenstette, John J. (1987, ISBN:978-08058-0158-8),
Grefenstette, John J. and Baker, James E.
(1989, ISBN:1-55860-066-3),
Holland, John (1975, ISBN:0-472-08460-7),
Lau, H. T. (1986) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-61649-5>,
Price, Kenneth V., Storn, Rainer M. and Lampinen, Jouni A. (2005)
Reynolds, J. C. (1993) <doi:10.1007/BF01019459>,
Schaffer, J. David (1989, ISBN:1-55860-066-3),
Wenstop, Fred (1980) <doi:10.1016/0165-0114(80)90031-7>,
Whitley, Darrell (1989, ISBN:1-55860-066-3),
Wickham, Hadley (2019, ISBN:978-815384571).
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