Package: lms Fetcher: hg Source: Updating /mnt/store/melpa/working/lms/ Checking out 29593b4c18a570dfb2e60b196f24d407a1277daa Copying files (->) and directories (=>) from /mnt/store/melpa/working/lms/ to /tmp/lmssQUTUH/lms-20210820.2200 lms.el -> lms.el Created lms-20210820.2200.tar containing: lms-20210820.2200/ lms-20210820.2200/lms-pkg.el lms-20210820.2200/lms.el Command `hg purge' exited with non-zero exit-code: 255 hg: unknown command 'purge' 'purge' is provided by the following extension: purge command to delete untracked files from the working directory (use 'hg help extensions' for information on enabling extensions) Command `hg purge' exited with non-zero exit-code: 255